45 Shooting the Breeze or Shooting Videos March 15, 2025

This is our video studio that we supposedly use to make training and maintenance videos. We started building it almost a year ago and we had to get it done quickly so Mike could get started. Since then, we have shot one nine minute video about the evolution of the Reel Diameter Tape™. Now we all know how busy and in demand Mike is. He has just finished six straight weeks of doing his Cutline is King presentation somewhere in North America. What does he do the rest of the time?

He sits in his office with his cell phone on his chest talking on speaker…for hours on end. A lot of that is answering technical questions about the grinders and cutting unit set up and we all know how he likes to shoot the sh … breeze. We do have some exciting plans to try and take some of the burden off Mike but in the meantime, I want to ask you all a favor. If you have to call him, make sure it is important and then cut him off once you get your answer.