30-Parenthood August 1, 2024
The thing I am most proud of is my family. I am also proud of the fact that even though both Michele and I had very demanding careers, she was the CFO of a large construction and fabrication company and together we were running our own company, but our kids were our first priority. I wish I could say that we made a conscious decision to set aside time for our kids but in retrospect it just happened, I think because we enjoyed it so much. My son, Karl, almost has his engineering degree and has been managing SIP Corporation since he was 24. He is also a brilliant engineer and I have so much fun working on new projects with him. My daughter was a Director at a big four accounting firm but just started a new job as Director of Internal Audit at a multibillion dollar corporation with operations world wide. Obviously they provide her with a laptop and a cell phone but they did something a little unusual, she cannot use the cell phone for anything personal, including phone calls. Obviously she had to keep a second phone. One of the reasons they do this is so you will turn the company phone off after work and spend time with family. When she was telling me about this, Mike, our Director of Marketing and Sales and my son in law, mentioned he would get calls from customers all the time, practically 24/7. I told him he should get a new phone for personal use so he could turn the business phone off after hours. The next day, Sunday, he calls me up with a technical question about something in one of his turf chats. I answered his question then politely told him it was Sunday and to shut it down. You can see that Mike is part of his own problem. But very soon, he is going to be a little more difficult to get a hold of so that he can spend more time with my granddaughter. Help him out and try to keep the calls to business hours. Thank you.